Friday, July 19, 2013

Artichoke Pesto Pasta

In my household we LOVE PESTO, so one night when I was looking through the cabinets and put this lil concoction together.

Serves 2:


1 Can of quarter cut artichoke hearts
1 Red pepper
1 Bag of  Gluten Free Natures Eartly Chioce Quinoa Pasta (Or whatever you prefer)
1 7 oz container of pesto sauce
1 tsp olive oil
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp sea salt
1 small lemon or half lemon

Or if you have bought Garlic Lovers Seasoning from www:flavorgods:com  then use 2 tbsp of that instead of the garlic & onion powder and sea salt. Much easier, better and healthier for you.


1) Boil water, add small amount of olive oil to water
2) Remove seeds and chop up red pepper into 1" pieces
3) Open artichoke hearts and drain liquid


1) Add pasta and cook as directed on bag
2) Add red pepper and artichoke to sauté pan, with all spices, lemon juice and olive oil. Sauté and toss veggies until they start to brown, set aside on low heat
3) Drain pasta and add back to pan, add pesto sauce and veggies,  continue to toss on medium heat until pesto sauce is warm.
4) Serve in bowl garnish with parmesan cheese (optional)
5) Enjoy!

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