Monday, June 30, 2014

Hummus Chicken

So when I started "eating clean" this was one of the most highly recommended dinners I received. And it's delicious! But since I started making it in January, I've tweaked the recipe a little to my liking. Here is the original recipe that I followed from Pinterest.

The following is my recipe. You will need: 
- 2 boneless chicken breasts
- hummus of choice (I use cilantro-jalepeno) 
-1 LB of brussell sprouts
-1 lemon
-olive oil
-salt & pepper
-13x9 baking pan
-foil or olive oil spray
-medium bowl
-sharp knife 
-cutting board
-basting brush

My recipe is as follows:

Start heating oven @ 450 degrees. Cut brussell sprouts in half and rinse off
Then put brussell sprouts in a medium size bowl. Add 1/2 of the hummus to the bowl and mix around. 
Put foil in 13x9 baking pan. Pour brussels in the pan.
Take chicken and cut off any excess fatty skin. Then cut each breast in half. So you'll have 4 small pieces. Then turn so the smooth side is down. Salt & pepper them and then coat with hummus, but save some for the opposite side. 
Then place chicken in pan over brussell sprouts with room in between breasts. Spread the rest of the hummus on the top. Take lemon, cut in half, squeeze over dish and then sprinkle paprika over each piece of chicken. 
Then place in the oven on middle rack for 20-25 min. Once timer goes off, I usually gently roll a piece of chicken over, not to rub off the hummus and make a slit in the center on the biggest piece to make sure it's cooked thru. I also try a brussell sprout to make sure they are a soft consistancy and not still hard or raw tasting. If that's the case, put back in for a couple more min. Once the dish is done I will squeeze the 2nd half of the lemon over the top. Then plate and serve! :) 
Hope you enjoy, let me know if you have any questions :)